The aim of the Forbes’ Diamonds ranking is to recognize companies that are characterized by high quality management, professionalism and dynamic development, as well as a very good quality of its products. Companies that increase their worth the quickest land on the Forbes Diamond list. Data used for the evaluation include, among others, sales, net income, value of fixed assets, of the inventories, receivables and capital investments.
SMARTTECH3D company is a well-known expert in the 3D Measurement industry. Set up in 2000 we gained a leading position in the European region, becoming one of the most famous Polish innovation brands, gaining the name of Polish Product of the Future. Our MICRON 3D and SMARTTECH 3D systems have won a gold medal at the 36th International Exhibition of Inventions in Geneva and 55th World Exhibition on Innovation, Research and New Technologies in "Brussels EUREKA 2006".
SMARTTECH3Dmeasure is a user-friendly, advanced control and post-processing software dedicated to acquiring data obtained from all models of SMARTTECHs’ 3D scanners and post-processing for RE processes, digitalization with color and quality control. This software is a perfect multi-tool for anyone starting work with optical scanning without additional investment, no matter if you are an engineer or an archeologist. Read More...