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3D Digitization of Cultural Heritage

3D scanning / 3D digitising for future generations...

Join us on our webinar in a journey into the virtual, exploring 3D objects digitization in museums and archives 🏛️ as we explore the transformative power of 3D scanning technology, its benefits for cultural institutions, and witness a live demo showcasing exceptional quality and precision.

During webinar, we will show you MICRON3D color stereo 20 MP scanner. It is a 3D scanner created for the precise digitalization of colorful objects. This unique touchless measuring system is a perfect tool for creating a digital twin of real objects both for archiving valuable artifacts and prototypes documentation.

The highest resolution available on the market allows for imaging objects with the highest level of detail is perfect for digitization of objects with the for example pottery ornaments, registering all small details like canvas damages or microfractures. Sensitive detector of the scanner ensures that both dark and shiny objects can be scanned and integration with a shadeless lighting system provides high-quality, accurate color data.

Read more about 3D scanners for Cultural Heritage -


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