A series of webinars for European audiences
Thanks to European distributors of SMARTTECH3D, the most modern 3D scanners dedicated to industry and museology have been presented in the UK, Germany, Czech Republic, Romania and Spain. During online meetings, our representatives together with distributors presented the benefits of using a 3D scanner with the highest resolution available on the market, MICRON3D green stereo 20 MPix, in quality control and reverse engineering. With the help of Natalia Skórnicka, color 3D scanning specialist in science and research applications, they discussed the possibilities of MICRON3D color 3D scanner which has excellent possibilities of mapping shape, texture and color. Those features make it an ideal tool for precise digitization of artifacts, documentation and archaeological reconstruction. During the webinar for participants from Romania, the latest achievement of the manufacturer, SMARTTECH3D Robotized, cooperating with an industrial robotic arm, was also presented.