SMARTTECH is a new member of the Metrology Cluster
During the congress "Metrology - a chance and a challenge for the future" SMARTTECH joined the Metrology Cluster associating various institutions, from business, through science, to non-governmental organizations. The agreement was established on the initiative of the Kielce University of Technology and the Central Office of Measures.
SMARTTECH, as a company providing the most modern metrology solutions for industry, thanks to this cooperation will contribute to the development of Polish innovation. It will be setting new trends in the industry of great importance for the national economy, all in accordance with the assumptions of the cluster idea.

As emphasized by the Mayor of Kielce, Bogdan Wenta, the cluster combines business, GUM and science. It is very important that science is combined with industry, and the laboratory facilities in Kielce will make it possible.
The ceremony of signing the Declaration on the creation of the Metrology Cluster was attended by numerous entrepreneurs, representatives of business organizations, universities, scientific institutions, as well as the Polish government and local authorities.
- We want to return to the experiences in which GUM was the leading research and development institution in the field of metrology. Establishing a metrology cluster will make everything that is scientific and metrological directly translated into the needs of Polish industry to make it better and more competitive - this is how the mission of the Central Office of Measures, referring to earlier speeches, was defined by prof. Jacek Semaniak, President of GUM.
We are very happy that we can be part of this project.