The aim of the Forbes’ Diamonds ranking is to recognize companies that are characterized by high quality management, professionalism and dynamic development, as well as a very good quality of its products. Companies that increase their worth the quickest land on the Forbes Diamond list. Data used for the evaluation include, among others, sales, net income, value of fixed assets, of the inventories, receivables and capital investments.

ZBrush sets the industry standard for digital sculpting. Its features enable you to use customizable brushes to shape, texture and paint virtual clay in a real-time environment that provides instant feedback. When you use ZBrush you’ll be working with the same tools used by film studios, game developers, toy/collectible makers, jewelry designers, automotive/aviation designers, illustrators and artists the world over.
ZBrush offers an array of ways to create from a simple shape and idea. Whether you are using Dynamesh, ShadowBox, Insert Mesh or Sculptris Pro, one feature will remain constant: Polygroups. Grouping the polygons within your model allows for flexibility in a variety of ways. For example, Polygroups can be used to quickly revise a model’s topology with ZRemesher. It can drive Panel Loops to create a sci-fi suit for a space explorer. It enables specific brush strokes on a surface or can simply hide portions of your model. Polygroups are useful everywhere.

ZBrush provides PolygroupIt - an entirely new way to create the polygon groupings that are so essential to a smooth workflow. PolygroupIt accurately evaluates the surface of a model in real-time, generating intelligent groupings with a single button click. Creating Polygroups has never been so easy. With PolygroupIt you can delete, add, copy & paste, grow or shrink, create Polygroups symmetrically and even use PolyPaint to trace out exactly what you want your Polygroups to look like.